by gcgCass | Aug 27, 2018
SWAT TEAM LOGO LOGO DESIGN Swat Team is a pest control specialist that fouses on extinguishing mosiquitos. They use the most current cutting edge techniques in controlling the mosquito population. We incorporated a mosquito within the scope of gun to play off the the...
by gcgCass | Aug 27, 2018
LOGAN DEVELOPMENT GROUP LOGO LOGO DESIGN Logan Development Group is a full service business-consulting firm. Their logo’s mark is constructed of bar chart icons to give the silhouette of a cityscape to represent growth and success. The reflection of the cityscape...
by gcgCass | Aug 27, 2018
GAMEDAY HAIRCUTS & SPA LOGO LOGO DESIGN Gameday is a barber shop with a sports bar theme. To cater to the male market, Gameday is a place where a man can go get a haircut while watching sports on one of the many large screen TV’s. To convey this through...
by gcgCass | Aug 27, 2018
CARDINAL CLINICAL CONSULTING LOGO DESIGN Cardinal Clinical Consulting specializes in behavioral, emotional, and neurocognitive development. Their logo was designed to be an abstract cardinal that is divided up into 5 different pieces coming together to make a whole....
by gcgCass | Aug 27, 2018
BREWER GROCERY LOGO DESIGN Brewer Grocery is a friendly old country store in Brewer, MS that specializes in home cooked plate lunches and catering. We wanted to show that within their logo by using an easy going vintage script font along with a roller pin to convey...
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